Professor Narissian

Strength is far more than simple physical prowess. When you are truly tested, will you be able to tell the difference between strength and power? -Xuen

Character Sheet


Name: Narissian
Race: Dracthyr
Class: Evoker
Relationship Status: Married
Affiliations: Black Dragonflight - Blacktalon, Valdrakken Accord, Ebon Scales, Stormwind Crown Administration
Nicknames: Nazir, Naz, Nubs, Nari
Profession: Professor [SCA], Director of Port Authority [SCA], Agent of the Black Price + Obsidian Warders, Scornbane of Valdrakken

INFP: INTJ-A | The Achitect
Enneagram: Type 3 | The Achiever
The Success-Oriented, Pragmatic
Type: Adaptable, Excelling, Driven, and Image-Conscious
Allignment: Lawful Neutral


• Professor of the Stormwind Community College
• Member of the Magic Regulation Commitee
• Soldier of the Ebon Scale
• Agent of the Black Prince
• Agent of the Scornbane

Hearthstone Deck: Mage
Core Drive: Enacting on ancient duty. Learning the mysteries of the new world. Pursuing ancient knowledge. Securing Azeroth's safety, Burn away the past, revitalize the future. Wandering the lands. Experiencing new cultures & experiences. Strengthening one self.


Draconic Magic
Expert: Life (Red) | Earth (Black) | Arcane (Blue)
Adept: Time (Bronze) | Life (Green)
Magical Combinations
Earth + Shadow (Shadowflame)


Magical Items
Holy Fire (Sacred Flame Oil)
Mundane Specializations:
Sword Proficiency | Mining | Blacksmithing







Health: 10
Armor: Adaptive Armor - Gain one extra use for your chosen Survival Ability or gain one extra use for one of your chosen Perks.
Survival Ability: Persevere - After you roll a 10 or lower on a Combat/Environmental Roll, add +2 to your next roll.


Second Wind: Restore 5 Health to yourself. Usable on failed Combat/Environmental Rolls.
This does not negate Damage taken by the user.

Rally: Upon rolling an 11 or higher on a Combat Roll,
Rally up to two allies for the next turn only.
Rallied allies gain a +4 to their next Combat/Environmental Roll.Stacks with Persevere for a total of +6.

Overcharge When you use your Combat Roll Result to deal Damage or restore Health, increase the total by 3.
On a roll of 20, increase your Roll Result by an additional 3 for a total of 6.
Does not affect Perks which do Damage or restore Health on their own.